Part 82: Additional Information (Spoilers)

Any reference to names in the Japanese version is creditted to Orenronen, who explained them in the thread.

Possibly the oldest person in the game, he seems to somewhat resemble a lion. His real name is Gentarou Hongou. He has a bracelet with a "1" on it, and thus decided to use Ace for his moniker. Though not explicitly using it as his reasoning, it comes from a deck of cards where an Ace has a single club/heart/diamond/spade on it, and will potentially have a value of 1. Saw Zero when he was captured. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Decided to stay behind at the large hospital room, whilst everyone else went ahead. Used a general anaesthetic to ensure he was left behind. Suspects Zero for Snake's murder, as he believes Zero is still on-board the boat somewhere. Is the president of a pharmaceutical company. That company is Cradle Pharmaceutical. Claims to be developing presbyopia, but Junpei believes he has prosopagnosia. He does have prosopagnosia. He stole the 9th Man's bracelet at some point. Appears to have attempted to kill Snake but accidentally killed someone else instead. Most likely, he opted to stay behind in the large hospital room to prevent people from discovering what he did. Killed Guy X, the 9th Man and Clover. Using the golden gun from the Cargo Room, he took Lotus hostage in order to escape through one of the 9 doors. Planned and executed the first Nonary Game. Ultimately killed by Snake, by being burnt to death in the ship's incinerator. Or did he...? He explained to Junpei about the Cells Alive System of freezing objects. Using this, he put forth the theory that Alice killed The Captain. Engineered the kidnapping of 18 children for the first Nonary Game. Killed Akane Kurashiki during the first Nonary Game. The two people he killed during the second Nonary Game were really related to Cradle Pharmaceutical and part of the Nonary Project. Set up the Nonary Project to test the morphogenetic field theory.
His Japanese codename is Ichimiya (一宮). The same Kanji is usually read ichinomiya, and is a shinto term as well as the name of a city in Aichi prefecture.

Dressed rather unusually, he can be said to be something like a prince. His real name is Light Field. He has a bracelet with a "2" on it, and so chose Snake for his name. He picked his name from the expression "snake eyes," which only occurs when you roll a pair of die and both come up with a one. Somewhat ironically, Snake is actually blind. Is Clover's older brother. Saw Zero when they were captured. Appropriately enough, he has exceptional hearing and appears to even have absolute pitch capabilities. Is also confident in his physical skills, claiming to be able to run at least as fast as Junpei and stand a reasonable chance in a fight. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Seems to have disappeared during the search for the electronic parts of the REDs of Room 3, 7 and 8. He was finally found... inside room 3, after having died in the same manner as the 9th Man. His blindness was caused by an accident he had as a child. The accident also caused his left arm to be amputated, and replaced by a prosthetic. Presumed to really still be alive. Has been a participant in the Nonary Game twice, first playing the original version 9 years before the start of this one. Is confirmed to still be alive, as he was found in the coffin in the Chapel. Can remove his bracelet at will, but decided to only do so if absolutely necessary. Upon learning of Clover's death from Ace, he basically went mad. Got shot 6 times by Ace, and still didn't go down. Sacrificed himself in order to kill Ace, by burning them both alive in the ship's incinerator. Or did he...? Reunited with Junpei, Clover and Seven in the chapel. Came to the conclusion that June's bracelet is upside down. Also came to the conclusion that Santa's bracelet only displays a 3 but counts as a 0. Was ordered by Zero to not speak to the other players about the first Nonary Game. Was kidnapped by Cradle Pharmaceuticals for the first Nonary Game. "Saw" Akane Kurashiki die in the first Nonary Game.
His Japanese codename is Nils (ニルス), nirusu in the Japanese transliteration.

A young man who already has
In the Japanese version, his name remains Santa (サンタ).

A somewhat young looking girl with a high voice, and distinctive pink hair. Her real name is Clover Field. Her bracelet has a "4" on it, and so she chose to go by Clover. The first of two references to flowers, she decided to name herself after a four-leaf clover due to it generally meaning good luck. It doesn't appear to have helped much, since she was promptly taken hostage by the currently unnamed man with the 9th bracelet. Is Snake's younger sister. Saw Zero when they were captured. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Became depressed when Snake vanished, and has become much worse upon discovering his corpse. Believes that Zero may be one of the 7 remaining players of the Nonary game. Went missing at one point. Was found dead in the 1st Class Cabin's bathroom. Appeared to have been killed by a knife. Killed by Ace. Or was she...? Has been in the Nonary Game twice. When she last played, she was in Nevada at a place called "Building Q". Was the first person to realise that all 7 remaining players can't proceed past the two 9 doors. Was forced to stay in the chapel with Junpei and Seven. Was not ordered by Zero to not speak about the first Nonary Game, but Snake requested it anyway. Was kidnapped by Cradle Pharmaceuticals for the first Nonary Game.
Her Japanese codename is Yotsuba (四葉), which means "four leaf -". Pretty much always used as a short version of Yotsuba no kurobaa, four leaf clover.

The main character. For a rather unfortunate reason, he doesn't have an alias and is stuck going by his real name which is Junpei [Surname]. A bit of an idiot with a penchant for bad jokes (though he's not the only one with that second part), he's in his early 20s and appears to live alone. Knew June when they were both in elementary school. Somehow, despite not having seen her in about 15 years, he recognised her immediately when they met during the game. He also saw Zero when he was captured. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Looked after a few rabbits with June while in elementary school, though they were killed by someone. This prompted them to decide to catch whoever did it, though they were met with no success. Thinks that someone at Cradle Pharmaceutical believes in remote viewing to the extent that they would engineer the kidnapping of 16 children. Thinks that Snake is still alive. Realised that Ace has prosopagnosia. Deduced that Ace stole the 9th Man's bracelet, attempted to kill Snake, and probably killed Clover as well. Presumably drowned on the ship. Or did he...? Was forced to stay in the chapel with Clover and Seven. Had an epiphany that helped him free Snake from the coffin in the chapel. Came to the conclusion that the 0 bracelet is actually the letter O. Appears to be able to access the morpohogenetic field, as he can remember things he learned during the "Safe Ending." Is able to access the morphogenetic field. Gave Akane a doll prior to the first Nonary Game. This doll is the reason she was caught by Hongou when Seven tried to rescue her.
As he has no codename, he will forever remain merely Junpei (淳平), a standard spelling for that name.

The very blatant love interest and the real player character. Her bracelet has a "6" on it, and so Junpei gave her the name of June as it's the 6th month of the year. Her real name is Akane Kurashiki and she knew Junpei when they were both in elementary school. Saw Zero when she was captured. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Looked after a few rabbits with Junpei while in elementary school, though they were killed by someone. This prompted them to decide to catch whoever did it, though they were met with no success. Told Junpei about a mummy that was on-board the Titanic. Allegedly it was of a Priestess of Amon-Ra, who's body was encased in ice that would not melt. Told Junpei a different story about Ice-9 and the crystalisation of glycerin. Also told Junpei about the book "Futility," and how it predicted the sinking of the Titanic. Seemed to die when Junpei was chasing after Zero. Whether she did or not is unclear as she had vanished by the time Junpei returned. Or did she...? Was taken hostage by Santa at gunpoint in the chapel. Snake believes her bracelet is really a 9. Someone called "Akane Kurashiki" died during the first Nonary Game... was it really June? Yes. She died during the first Nonary Game, as confirmed by Seven. Despite collapsing inside the incinerator with no way out, she has disappeared again. Seven failed to save her from the incinerator, because she dropped a doll Junpei gave her as a gift.
Her Japanese codename is Murasaki (紫), the only code name spelled in Kanji which doesn't have the actual number in it, but mu is one of the readings for the number 6. Means 'purple', and much was changed later in the translated version whenever story elements related to this particular code-name choice appear. Akane Kurashiki, meanwhile, is spelled 倉式茜, and is a standard spelling of the name, though it's worth noting Akane itself, spelled this way, can mean a shade of red/crimson.

A very large man who is somewhat akin to a mountain. His bracelet has a "7" on it, and so he decided to be called... Seven. It's certainly functional, if nothing else. Whilst everyone saw Zero upon being captured, he was the only one who didn't give any data to corroborate this. That was because he has amnesia. He claims to be unable to remember anything from before he woke up in his room on D Deck in the ship. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Believes that the ship they are on is the HMHS Gigantic. Believes that Snake may have been murdered by two participants in the Nonary Game, who authenticated Door 3 with Snake. Used to be a police officer at some point, and may still be one now. Has been on-board the ship before, whilst on assignment. He was looking for a group of 16 missing children, who had been kidnapped by an organisation known as Cradle Pharmaceuticals. One was named Aoi, one was named Light and another was named Nona. Discovered that Cradle Pharmaceuticals were running experiments with the children in how to control people. Whilst working on the case, he found out that all 16 kidnapped children had been to a hospital ran by Cradle Pharmaceuticals which is how he deduced their involvement. He remembers that a young girl died in the experiment. Presumably drowned on the ship. Or did he...? Told Junpei about a woman named Alice who was frozen and would thaw. She was purchased by Lord Gordain and allegedly stowed on-board the Gigantic. Seven believes this even if others don't. Volunteered to stay behind at the chapel so everyone else could leave the ship. Was forced to stay behind in the chapel with Clover and Junpei. Agrees with Snake that Santa appears to be Zero. Upon seeing a photograph of the 4 men who were behind the original Nonary Project, his memory was restored. Interrupted the first Nonary Game, and managed to save Snake, Santa and Nona. Failed to save Akane Kurashiki. Confirmed that the Akane Kurashiki who died during the first Nonary Game is, in fact, June.
His Japanese codename is still Seven (セブン). Sebun in the Japanese transliteration.

A women dressed in what can barely be called clothes, who looks an awful lot like an exotic dancer. Her real name is [First Name] Kashiwabara. Her bracelet has an "8" on it, and so she picked Lotus for her codename due to the number of petals it has... albeit not necessarily in reality. Saw Zero when she was captured. Reconvened with the rest of the group at the "large hospital room." Suggested leaving someone behind at the large hospital room as a "sacrifice." Has twin daughters. One of her daughters is named Nona. Both Nona and her sister were kidnapped by Cradle Pharmaceuticals for their experiments. A few months after they were rescued, tried to play detective and learn what had happened but discovered nothing. Explained to Junpei and Santa about the theory of morphogenetic fields to mess with them, as she doesn't believe in it at all and thinks it's pseudoscience. Seems that she works with computers in some capacity. Is currently unemployed, but used to work for a cyber-security firm of some kind. Presumably drowned on the ship. Or did she...? As her daughters never told her about the first Nonary Game, when the other players of the second Nonary Game kept talking about it she got sick of being left out of the loop.
As PoliteMachineGun pointed out, lotuses are one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhist art and a really common motif. Even though the flowers have more than eight petals, the motif is stylized as having only eight. Each petal represents a part of the Eightfold Path.
Her Japanese codename, meanwhile, is Yashiro (八代). When spelled 社, yashiro is yet another shinto term, meaning a shrine. Spelled the way it is in the game, it's usually read Yatsushiro and is the name of a city in Kumamoto perfecture.

A small and very quiet man who's hair resembles a bird's nest. He stammers a lot and appears, to put it as scientifically as I can, to have freaked the fuck out. His real name is Teruaki Kubota. His bracelet has a "9" on it, and the codename he was given by Junpei is "the 9th Man." Presumably, he saw Zero when he was captured. He somehow managed to bring a knife with him, or found one in his room, or something. The point is he has a knife. He promptly uses it to take Clover hostage for... some reason. Attempted to use Clover and Ace's bracelets to let him through Door 5 alone. His plan worked, but it had a somewhat unintended side-effect, as he died for his trouble. His bracelet has been taken by someone after he died. Ace stole his bracelet, and used it to attempt to kill Snake. Ace killed him, in order to take his bracelet. He used to work for Cradle Pharmaceuticals. He worked in Research and Development for the Nonary Project.